Dieback due to climate change and deforestation is hampering the Amazon rainforest’s ability to soak up and store carbon, which could accelerate the pace of global warming. The average growth
Archive for 2020
Genome editing biotechnologies: UEAA calls for a revision of European regulations on genetically modified organisms.
The Nobel Prize in Chemistry was awarded in this year 2020 to Emmanuelle Charpentier and Jennifer Doudna for the discovery of a new genome editing tool, so-called CRISPR-Cas technique, a
The pharmaceutical company Pfizer inn collaboration with German-based drugmaker BioNTech has taken the lead in the race to develop a coronavirus vaccine. On Monday, the company announced early results of
Even if the world stopped burning all fossil fuels today, that would not be enough to keep global temperatures below a 1.5° to 2°C increase above preindustrial levels. Fossil fuel
Artificial night-time lighting has widespread impacts on the natural world, according to a new paper published on 3 November in the journal Nature Ecology & Evolution (1). In particular, night-time
Setting the European table: a 27-star or a tricolour menu? Poland wonders about Nutri-Score
As part of the Farm to Fork (F2F) plan launched by Brussels, the debate over front-of-pack nutrition labelling (FOPNL) is in full swing and now concerns every EU member country.
Financial institutions are ‘bankrolling’ biodiversity loss and ecosystem destruction on an unprecedented scale, according to a new analysis released last week by portfolio.earth, a collaborative effort among individual finance, economics,
Bernard Durand and Jean Pierre Riou, energy experts and authors of numerous articles in our columns, have just written “The treason of the clerics”, a voluminous working document on the
More big fish in the sea can reduce the amount of carbon dioxide emissions that are released into the atmosphere, according to a new study published on 28 October in
Scientists, let’s not go back to the pre-Covid world of unrestrained professional travelling
Pre-Covid, scientists and more generally academics clocked up thousands and thousands of airmiles to attend conferences, workshops, and various other professional meetings. I know: I did the same. Many of