Do you start shouting and waving if the quality of Zoom or Skype call starts to deteriorate halfway through your meeting? If the answer is yes, you’re not alone. Researchers
Archive for 2022
A team of researchers from the University of Oxford, UK, have managed to give cereals the ability to control the bacterial process of nitrogen fixation, according to a study published
Seawater samples collected from a surfboard helped a team of researchers from the University of Exeter understand microscopic organisms living in the waves, according to a study published in the
Private protected areas can help conservation efforts with underrepresented biomes and highly threatened areas, according to new research published in Nature Ecology and Evolution. The authors define privately protected areas
Green factories could help industrial manufacturing reach zero carbon emissions. Or even lower
When most people hear about oil, as in petroleum, they think of what gets refined to produce gasoline. But it’s more. Much more. From clothes to dentures to lipstick and
Almost 1/3 of patients with a stroke with unknown cause have heart problems that should be treated to prevent further strokes but can be challenging to diagnose, according to results
When it comes to planning shipping routes, most companies follow commercial interests rather than attempting energy-efficient and sustainable sea transport, according to a study published in Transportation Research. Researchers from
An ambitious new project to investigate the depths of the oceans is set in motion, allowing researchers to understand better what’s beneath the water. The project — called Transparent Ocean
Caspian terns learn migratory routes from the Baltic Sea to Africa from their fathers, according to a study published in Nature Communications. Researchers used GPS to track entire families during
Victorian weather information dating back nearly 200 years reveals record-breaking wet and dry periods, according to a study published in the Geoscience Data Journal. The data was digitised from written