Cranes have a complex relationship with their environment, according to a study published in PNAS. An international team, including researchers from the Max Planck Institute of Animal Behavior In Germany,
All posts in Agriculture
Growing crops to produce biomethane produces three times more CO2 than using natural gas, according to a study published in Nature Climate Change. There has been a rapid increase in
A team of scientists from Swansea University, UK, developed a tool to identify the optimal photovoltaic materials to both maximise crop growth and generate solar power, according to a study
Researchers from Cranfield University, UK, have developed two new ways to identify fake honey with added sugar, according to studies published in Food Control and Foods. The authors believe this
The right projects to restore forests will not only benefit the environment and increase biodiversity but also help humans, according to a study published in the journal PNAS. If the
Many consumers are willing to try animal-free food products, according to a study published in the journal Future Foods. Many food companies are currently working on new processes to produce
For the first time, a team from the University of Birmingham describe how tree bark can remove methane gas from the atmosphere. The study was published in Nature. Trees have
Logged forests can still have ecological value if logging is not pushed too far, according to a study published in Nature. A team of researchers from Imperial College London analysed
At a time when European farmers have just staged protests against the European Union’s Common Agricultural Policy which, according to them, prevents them from earning a living, at a time
We need to choose carefully where we plant energy crops to minimise biodiversity loss, according to a study published in Journal of Applied Ecology. Energy crops are used for heat,