The collision that wiped out the dinosaurs from the face of the Earth began at the very edges of our solar system, according to a study published in Nature’s Scientific Reports (1).
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The Arctic Ocean is being “pervasively” polluted with plastic microfibres that are likely shed by synthetic clothing in the washing machine, according to a new study published on 12 January
While the natural world continues to shrink, the ‘anthropogenic mass’ – the mass of all human-made materials created since the Industrial revolution, including houses, cars, roads, and aeroplanes – has
The capacity of cells to repair and regenerate themselves declines with age, however, reprogramming certain cells to become ‘younger’ could potentially reverse the biological clock and restore vision, according to
The negative effects of a sedentary lifestyle can be ‘offset’ by a little bit of exercise every day, scientists say. Just 30 to 40 minutes of daily exercise can greatly
Even the tallest peak in the world is not immune to microplastic pollution, it seems. In a new study published on 20 November in One Earth, scientists show evidence of
A more globalised world has come with many benefits, including higher standards of living around the world, access to new markets, and lower-cost products. However, globalisation is also decreasing the
Dieback due to climate change and deforestation is hampering the Amazon rainforest’s ability to soak up and store carbon, which could accelerate the pace of global warming. The average growth
Even if the world stopped burning all fossil fuels today, that would not be enough to keep global temperatures below a 1.5° to 2°C increase above preindustrial levels. Fossil fuel
Artificial night-time lighting has widespread impacts on the natural world, according to a new paper published on 3 November in the journal Nature Ecology & Evolution (1). In particular, night-time