While Europe and the West tend, through its cultures and democratic principles, to be scientifically transparents about research and development, it is important to realize that other nations do not necessarily apply the same rules and principles and want culturally to play a “game of go” planetary ! It is certain that the cultural and linguistic difference and strategic information management centralized by undemocratic authorities, will make Europe and the West unaware of all the major technological advances that Asian countries are seeking and developing ! It has therefore become vital to ensure a future global geopolitical balance, to actively follow the Asian technological news. We must stop thinking of Asia as a “mere copious”, but now as a continent of unprecedented innovators. To win the “game of go” that is being played out before our eyes, Europe and the West must put their historical pride at half-mast and position themselves as the new challengers of the 21st century in order to ensure the perpetuation of its democratic values in the long run!
Following the Chinese news and their political and technological progress, raises huge questions about our future. To imagine the world of 2100 is not the easiest, it’s even impossible at the pace of technological development and current politics. However, asking ourselves what could become of our world in 2100 is an interesting fiction to try to imagine.
One thing is for sure, China’s “long term” politic facing the Western “short term” politic will be the most important weak point of Western politics. Chinese patience and national patriotism are formidable. China with technologies, lives more and more instantly, but on strategic points, she has a patience in gold and uses time and wear to get to her own ends.
Chinese leaders place a priority and absolute pride for China to become the global technological power and can erase centuries of humiliation!
To reach this goal, China will rely on several strategic projects and traverso to become a technological super-power! In 2019, China is already a technological super-power in being the best in the world for the following projects:
– Silk roads, representing a $1000 billion project and aims to improve trade between Europe and Asia. On this new silk road, the Chinese authorities are planning the construction of 30 nuclear reactors by 2030.
– Quantum cryptography, China has made the first transmission to the world of an encrypted message by quantum technology via a satellite.
– The Chinese National Company ‘State Grid’ installs 1100 kV power lines in continuous current to interconnect Chinese and European power grids and resell electricity to Europeans about 3 times cheaper! Currently, a line from East to West of 1100kV of continuous voltage connects over 3000km, the towns of Changji (Xinjiang) and Xuancheng (Anhui), passing through Gansu, Ningxia, Shaanxi and Henan.
– The largest telescope in the world in the province of Guizhou.
– The desire to have a record of the characteristics and genetic information of all living elements of our world, the institute of Genomic in Beijing – BGI, is the largest genome sequencing centre in the world and stores and stores the data at the China National Gene Bank with over a hundred million sequencing carried out. The ultimate goal is to have the best personalized medicine in the world!
– Different development cooperation projects in some African Countries to implement their technologies, see their political methods!
– Genetic improvement of humans and certain animals with for example, the experiments of genetic increase of intelligence on monkeys! Doctor Huang Junjiu, whose research and behaviour was irreproachable, already used crispr-cas9 in his researches since 2012. Doctor He Jiankui has gone beyond certain ethical limits with Lulu and Nana.
– The Chinese Space Agency (CNSA) with their new and recent space ambitions clearly announce a desire to colonize the cosmos.
– The testing in certain cities, of a Chinese Big Brother called IJOP (Integrated Joint Operation Platform) to control its population based on artificial intelligence.
– Wang Yifang, Director of the Chinese Institute of High Energy Physics has confirmed the construction of the largest particle accelerator of all times, of a circumference of 100 km.
– The development of neutrino and dark matter detector.
– Stem cells with Zuo Wei from the Tongji University in Shanghai who repairs of damaged lungs thanks to stem cells against emphysema major problem in China due to smoking and smog!
– At Zuanghe in the province of Liaoning, there is the largest electrical storage capacity in the world is under construction. The researcher Zhang Huamin could revolutionize the world of power grids and solve the problem of the intermittency of wind turbine and photovoltaic energy where China is the largest producer in the world of this type of energy!
– China is becoming the world leader in the field of artificial intelligence thanks in part to BATX! China is the most advanced country in the world as regards the fundamental theory and practical applications in the field of artificial intelligence.
– Chinese energy research goes in the direction of the development of nuclear energy. 13 New nuclear reactors are under construction to complete their park of 45 reactors and 43 more are planned in the future with a total of 100 announced by the nuclear forum! China will become the largest electricity producer in the world! China wants to become a real player in climate change and does the totally opposite of our European politicians! China’s ambition is to build another 100% Chinese nuclear fusion reactor that will be connected to the electricity grid that could start supplying by 2040 to 2050, which would be well before the goals of ITER.
– Since Juan Zeming, All Chinese Presidents as well as almost all counsellors are engineers. Xi Jinping has also studied chemical engineering at Tsinghua. The political power has an approach to decision -making, that is very technological!
– The program “Mille Talents” aims to attract talents living abroad in order to repatriate researchers living outside China!
– The Changjiang school program aims to identify the best potential researchers living in China and who have never studied abroad!
– Chinese scientists have patented a 3-nm engraving system enabling the creation of transistors the size of a human DNA strand.
On can observe, that china’s ambitions are immense and are all set within the strategic global and transversal technology areas. Obstacles are arising on Chinese government’s path and an article from Dominique Baillard from RFI indicated “China appears to increasingly gain control on European soil and cares especially about relations with countries that challenge the power of Brussels” Jean-François Dufour, director of DCA Chine-Analyse, ins convinced the “Pekin has a deliberate strategy to divide Europeans”. The famous strategy “Divide to rule” could very well be the Chinese regime Strategy!
The Chinese strategy openly reveals the Europeans technological weaknesses with some very interesting facts that must be emphasized.
Some European countries have used their veto rights in favour of China for certain European decisions! Could a certain submissiveness to the Chinese totalitarian regime of some European countries be taking place?
We have to remember, after the take-over of the Port of Piraeus in 2016 by the Chinese ship owner Cosco, Athens vetoed, in June 2017, a European Union resolution to the UN condemning the human rights abuses in that country, a first.
Also, in 2015, Athens, Budapest, Zagreb and Dubrovnik we have been forced to avoid a direct reference to Pekin in a statement of the European Union on a court decision invalidating its legal claims on the South China Sea.
Just recently Australia has been seduced by China’s technology of mass control of the population. Josh Sattler from the Australian authorities has said that the processes used were not intrusive. In the Australian city of Darwin, the pressure was put on for the programs of the Chinese Communist Party to be implemented. In 2018, local officials reached a « friendship » agreement with the district of Yuexiu, in Guangzhou, China. According to John Garrick, Master of conferences at the Charles Darwin University, the agreement has been described by the Chinese media as « being an integral part of the new silk roads initiative started by the Chinese President Xi Jinping ». The development of the ‘Chinese Big Brother’ is clearly a global wish of China. All these projects are done on “a long term” and with Asian cultural patience which is fearsome!
In the long term the world is busy in «Asianizing» itself. A recent opinion poll from IFOP shows that numerous Europeans would be prepared to accept the totalitarian regime facing the different global challenges of the 21st century! Climate issues are often used as example where some remain convinced that it will take totalitarian measure to save the planet and change the habits of humans! Some collapsologists and some politicians do not hesitate to announce a collapse of our world which according to them, could only be avoided with totalitarian measures.
How would people not be tempted to switch over and to agree to a technological superpower such as China if our Western politics fail to demonstrate their effectiveness in solving global challenges? Africa, new target of the Chinese regime, is currently busy accepting their technologies. Us, Europeans, are we going to manage to resist? The Chinese totalitarian regime is highly criticized by the West as well as many Far East countries, however, it has demonstrated its effectiveness in evolving a very poor country in a minimum amount of time!
In his annual national speech, XI does not forget to remind his people, with accurate figures to strengthen the political choices of the communist party and in a way congratulates the country! Since the 1978 reform of Deng Xiaoping, 700 million Chinese have come out of poverty. According to The World Bank and China Statistical Yearbook 2005 and GPF calculation, 90% of the Chinese population lived with less than 1.9 USD per day in 1980, in 2010 this figure was reduced to less than 10%, thus a decrease of 80% in 30 years.
In the absence of technological power and with an economic and social decline which yellow jacket would say no to such evolution prospects? if the European technological stagnation continues to increase and by the patience and the policy of the Chinese «long term» we could gradually see elements used by the Chinese totalitarian regime creeping into our democratic countries.
Australis is the first example in the world to remind us that we must remain cautious.
When we watch the documentary, if it is not anti-Chinese propaganda, «The world according to Xi Jinping » shown on ARTE, it is rather chilling against our Western cultural approaches.
Xi believes that China must save and preserve the world! in this documentary he considers himself to be the saviour of the world and some thinking heads of the Chinese Communist Party are convinced that to restore a global geopolitical stability, humanity will have to go through a totalitarian regime to solve the global vital issues before being able to find a democratic regime again! Martin Lee Chu-Ming, an anti-communist personality who helped found the United Democratic Party of Hong Kong in 1990, who has closely rubbed shoulders with the Chinese Communist Party and who did not always have excellent relations with the party, is convinced that democracy will one day return in China. Will it come after a global takeover under a totalitarian high-tech regime?
If we do not want to endure a totalitarian regime in 2100 we must absolutely retain some European technological leadership to balance the global geopolitical scale. The control of technology is the only way to maintain a certain influence and to continue to spread our Western democratic values in the world against a technological super power under a totalitarian regime!
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