Norwegian team developed a way to use fibre-optic cables to identify different whale species and follow them in real-time, according to a study published in Frontiers of Marine Science. Many
All posts in Arctic
Vegetation in the Arctic controls the temperature on the surface, according to a study published in Nature Communications. The authors defend that this information needs to be included in climate
The hole in the ozone layer over Antarctica is well known, but not many know that occasionally there is a hole over the Arctic as well. The last incidents happened
Thawing permafrost to expose arctic populations to lung cancer caused by radioactive radon
Thawing permafrost due to climate change will expose arctic populations to excessive levels of radioactive gas radon, which may cause lung cancer, according to a study published in the journal
Plastics not only pollute oceans and land, and even animals, but new research shows microplastic contamination in the atmosphere – and indeed, the air we breathe. And microplastics are also
Accelerated melting of permafrost due to global warming is increasing the release of organic matter into Arctic and subarctic lakes and ponds, causing them to darken, according to new research.