Multinational enterprises (MNE) are not just failing at their sustainability targets, but they’re also contributing to making climate change worse, according to a study published in the journal International Business
All posts in climate change
World’s least polluting countries at a greater risk of flooding caused by climate change
People who live in the smallest countries — which contribute least to climate change — already suffer most of its devastating consequences. The burden is likely to increase, according to
Most people, including those living in affected areas, don’t understand the term “Climate Justice,” according to a study published in Nature Climate Change. These are the results from a survey
Red gorgonians are losing their ability to resist and recover from heatwaves, according to a study published in the Journal of Animal Ecology. A team of researchers from the University
Cranes have a complex relationship with their environment, according to a study published in PNAS. An international team, including researchers from the Max Planck Institute of Animal Behavior In Germany,
When people feel connected to aquatic life and the oceans — known as marine identity — it can help society’s relationship with the seas, according to a study published in
The rate of melting ice in Greenland is increasing due to climate change, according to a study published in the Journal of Climate. The authors from the University of Barcelona
Psychologists highlight how important it is to emphasise the right climate research to the public and other scientists, according to a study published in the journal Nature Human Behaviour. More
A team of researchers from UCL, London argue that we are squandering an opportunity to improve air quality by failing to develop and coordinate legal and scientific thinking. Published in
Over 4,600 species of vertebrates are under threat due to mineral extraction for materials needed for our transition to clean energy, according to a study published in the journal Current