Public awareness about the importance of gut microbiome is on the rise, as new data and tools give increasingly tailored guidance for improved diets and nutrition with remarkable impacts on
All posts in microbiome
Scientists reveal how gut microbiome changes in the mammalian gut over a long period. A team of researchers from the Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência (IGC) in Portugal showed how invading
Engineered strains of bacteria could help protect honeybees by producing RNA that targets deadly mites and the dangerous viruses they carry. The modified bacteria increased the chance of survival by
The human microbiome is composed of thousands of different species of bacteria and fungi that seem to influence virtually every function in the human body from digestion and metabolism to
Scientists are using machine learning to map microbial communities in the human body. Two new papers published this week in PLOS One and Science provide some incredible insights into the
Cesarean section or c-section babies have a different microbiome than those born vaginally, according to a new study published on 18 September in Nature, the most comprehensive to date on the
Every organism depends on microbes. And every microbiome — the communities of bacteria that exists inside all living organisms — is linked by a so-called “ecosystem microbiome” according to results
Feeding severely malnourished infants a diet rich in bananas, chickpeas and peanuts may boost healthy gut bacteria and help children grow, according to two studies published on 12 July in
Eating yoghurt could reduce the risk of pre-cancerous growths, called adenomas, that precede the development of bowel cancer in men, according to a new study published on 17 June in