Mounting evidence suggests the coronavirus might affect more than just the lungs. Delirium, brain inflammation, stroke, and nerve damage are just some of the possible neurological complications of COVID-19, according
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Air pollution leads to higher rates of depression and suicide, according to a new study published on 18 December in Environmental Health Perspectives (1). Since more than 90 per cent
Cesarean section or c-section babies have a different microbiome than those born vaginally, according to a new study published on 18 September in Nature, the most comprehensive to date on the
New research shows that the right combination of exercise, sleep and wine can help stave off Alzheimer’s disease. Previous research has shown that Alzheimer’s is caused by the accumulation of
A common gene variant associated with migraines may have helped early humans adapt to cold weather as they moved to northern climates, according to new research. Migraine headaches are more